
Evaxiana n°8

Evaxiana n°8

Sommaire Evaxiana n°8 (2021)

• Les collections de Bryophytes des herbiers du Muséum d ’histoire naturelle de Chambéry (Savoie) – Sylvie SERVE – pdf

• Rôle facilitateur d’une plante nurse (Juniperus communis subsp. hemisphaerica (C. Presl) Nyman dans la reconstitution de la cédraie anthropisée du Parc national du Djurdjura (Algérie) – Rachid MEDDOUR, Ldjida BITAM, Ouahiba SAHAR & Dehbia BELHACEN – pdf

• Distinction morphologique entre Poa annua L. et Poa infirma Kunth (Gramineae) : observations dans le Massif armoricain et environs – Daniel CHICOUENE – pdf

• Étude des circées (Circaea – Onagraceae) de l’Herbier de l’Université de Strasbourg (STR) – Yvan BRAHY & Michel HOFF – pdf

• Les îles et îlots satellites de la Corse : état des connaissances en 2021 et enjeux de conservation – Guilhan PARADIS, Carole PIAZZA & Christophe MORI – pdf


• La flore et autres habitants des Montagnes Rocheuses (USA) – Marc TESSIER – pdf


• À propos de la cellule paysagère et de son rôle dans les processus systémiques – Emmanuel CATTEAU – pdf


• Combinaisons nouvelles requises dans la seconde édition de Flora Gallica – Jean-Marc TISON, Sylvain ABDULHAK, Benoit BOCK, Jérémie VAN ES, Aymeric ROCCIA, Alain FRIDLENDER, Michel BOUDRIE & Errol VÉLA – pdf

• Tentative de reconstitution des données de l’herbier de Louis Audebert, jardinier botaniste tourangeau- Guillaume DELAUNAY, Gaëlle GLEVAREC, Nadine IMBAULT & Marc RIDEAU – pdf

evaxiana 7 Télécharger  la version complète en pdf (122 Mo) gratuitement


Bulletin mycologique et botanique Dauphiné-Savoie 241

n°241 de 2021
éditée par
Fédération mycologique Dauphiné-Savoie
171, allée du Quart d’Amo
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Armada F. – Cortinarius iliceti et C. quercuum spp. nov., deux nouveaux corti- naires de la section Bovini (sous-genre Telamonia) 5-15
Mombert A. et Moyne G. – Découverte de Lachnellula fuckelii (Bres. ex Rehm) Dharne (Helotiales) dans les Monts-Jura 17-21

Jordan D. – Mise à jour des données du site Internet « Connaître et protéger la flore de Haute-Savoie » (2e partie) 23-51
Courtieu Y. – Découverte de Saxifraga seguieri, plante non revue en France depuis le xIxe siècle 53-56
Benoit F. – Crataegus rhipidophylla Gand. (Rosaceae) et ses hybrides dans le département de la Savoie (France) 57-63


Candollea – journal international de botanique systématique 76-1

n°76-1 de 2021
éditée par
Conservatoire et Jardin Botaniques de la ville de Genève
Bibliothèque (périodiques) – Pierre BOILLAT
Case postale 60
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ATALAHY, A.M., F. RAKOTONASOLO, M. RABARIMANARIVO, H.L.T. RANARIJAONA & S.G. RAZAFIMANDIMBISON – New species of the genus Pyrostria (Rubiaceae, Vanguerieae) from Madagascar – Nouvelles espèces du genre Pyrostria (Rubiaceae, Vanguerieae) de Madagascar

DELPRETE, P.G., C.M. TAYLOR & T.D. MCDOWELL – The identity of the long-overlooked Ronabea morindoides and Patabea tenuiflora, synonymous with a species of Appunia (Rubiaceae)

DOWE, J.L. & D.R. HODEL – Taxonomy and nomenclature of four unresolved names published by Udo Dammer in the genus Chamaedorea (Arecaceae)

FIGUEIREDO, E. & G.F. SMITH – Joaquim José da Silva (c. 1755–1810): his life, natural history collecting activities, and involvement in the so-called first scientific expedition in the interior of Angola

GARDÈRE, M.L., J. FLORENCE, S. MULLER, Y. SAVRIAMA & J.-Y. DUBUISSON – Codonographia Gorgonum, or the description of a pleiad of bellflowers (Campanula, Campanulaceae) from the Cabo Verde archipelago

GRADSTEIN, S.R. & Á.J. PÉREZ – In the footsteps of Michel Allioni: Liverworts and hornworts from the surroundings of Gualaquiza (Ecuador)

KAINULAINEN, K – A taxonomic revision of Melanoxerus (Rubiaceae), with descriptions of three new species of trees from Madagascar

KLEIN, D.-P., R. SHTEIN, L. NUSBAUMER & M.W. CALLMANDER – Kalanchoe darainensis (Crassulaceae), a new species from northeastern Madagascar

LACK, H.W., K. BÖHME & M.W. CALLMANDER – Augustin-Pyramus de Candolle’s L’Heritier Reliquiae: A volume of miscellaneous prints kept in Geneva

MOSYAKIN, S.L. & J.R. BROCK – On the proper type designation for Camelina microcarpa, a wild relative and possible progenitor of the crop species C. sativa (Brassicaceae)

MURILLO-SERNA, J.S., F.J. ROLDÁN-PALACIO, I. CARMONA-GALLEGO & F. ALZATE – A new species of Aetanthus (Loranthaceae) from Colombia with notes on A. engelsii

PIGNAL, M., C. LAUDEREAU & P.-L. LAUDEREAU – Notes on Bulbophyllum sect. Pelma (Orchidaceae) in New Caledonia – Notes sur Bulbophyllum sect. Pelma (Orchidaceae) en Nouvelle-Calédonie

RÄTZEL, S., R. HAND, C.S. CHRISTODOULOU & H. UHLICH – Phelipanche chionistrae (Orobanchaceae): a new holoparasitic species from Cyprus

RESMI, S., S. NAMPY & P.F. AKSHATRA – Sonerila konkanensis (Melastomataceae), a new species from South Goa, India

Notes on the flora of Madagascar, 57
ROBERT, Y., H. THOMAS, J.M. TAMON & G. ROUHAN – Discovery in La Reunion Island of Elaphoglossum multisquamosum (Dryopteridaceae), known so far as endemic to Madagascar – Découverte à La Réunion de Elaphoglossum multisquamosum (Dryopteridaceae), connue jusqu’alors comme endémique de Madagascar
Remarque : Articles téléchargeables :


Willdenowia 51-1

n°51-1 de 2021
éditée par
Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem
Freie Universität Berlin
Königin-Luise-Straße 6-8
14195 BERLIN
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Otto Warburg and his contributions to the screw pine family (Pandanaceae)
Martin W. Callmander, Robert Vogt, Anna Donatelli, Sven Buerki, Chiara Nepi
51(1), 5-31, (15 February 2021)
KEYWORDS: Benstonea, epitype, Freycinetia, lectotype, neotype, new synonym, nomenclature, Otto Warburg, PANDANACEAE, Pandanus, screw pine, taxonomy, Typification, Ugolino Martelli

Two new common, previously unrecognized species in the Sticta weigelii morphodeme (Ascomycota: Peltigeraceae)
Bibiana Moncada, Joel A. Mercado-Díaz, Clifford W. Smith, Frank Bungartz, Emmanuël Sérusiaux, H. Thorsten Lumbsch, Robert Lücking
51(1), 35-45, (24 February 2021)
KEYWORDS: Ascomycota, Azores, Hawaii, Neotropics, Peltigeraceae, Sticta, Sticta weigelii

Phylogenetic placement of Cailliella praerupticola (Melastomataceae), a rare, monospecific lineage from Guinea, West Africa
Marie Claire Veranso-Libalah, Robert Douglas Stone, Pepe M. Haba, Sékou Magassouba, Gudrun Kadereit, Xander M. Van Der burgt
51(1), 47-56, (9 March 2021)
KEYWORDS: Cailliella, Guinea, Melastomataceae, Melastomateae, molecular phylogeny, morphology, pachycauly, palaeoendemic, plant conservation, threatened species, West Africa

Host specialization and molecular evidence support a distinct species of smut fungus, Anthracoidea hallerianae (Anthracoideaceae), on Carex halleriana (Cyperaceae)
Teodor T. Denchev, Cvetomir M. Denchev, Jacob Koopman, Dominik Begerow, Martin Kemler
51(1), 57-67, (9 March 2021)
KEYWORDS: Anthracoidea, Anthracoideaceae, Carex halleriana, CYPERACEAE, new species, phylogeny, smut fungi, taxonomy

Artabotrys angustipetalus (Annonaceae), a new species from Thailand, including a plastid phylogeny and character evolutionary analyses of thorn occurrence in Artabotrys
Ekkaphon Photikwan, Anissara Damthongdee, Hathaichanok Jongsook, Tanawat Chaowasku
51(1), 69-82, (23 March 2021)
KEYWORDS: Annonaceae, Artabotrys, evolution, new species, systematics, taxonomy, Thailand, thorns, Xylopieae

Lasioloma antillarum (Ascomycota: Pilocarpaceae), a new lichenized fungus from the Antilles, and the importance of posterior annotations of sequence data in public repositories
Robert Lücking, Filip Högnabba, Harrie J. M. Sipman
51(1), 83-89, (23 March 2021)
KEYWORDS: Antilles, Ascomycota, inaccuracies in GenBank, Integrative taxonomy, Lasioloma, Pilocarpaceae, sequence labelling

Taxonomic implications of seed morphology in Melocactus (Cactaceae) from Cuba
Hany Lemus-Barrios, Duniel Barrios, José Angel García-Beltrán, Salvador Arias, Lucas C. Majure
51(1), 91-113, (5 April 2021)
KEYWORDS: Cactaceae, Cuba, Melocactus, seed mass, seed morphology, taxonomy

SSR markers distinguish critically endangered Acer campestre populations from cryptic invading gene pools
Eric Wahlsteen
51(1), 115-125, (5 April 2021)
KEYWORDS: Acer campestre, ADMIXTURE, cryptic invasion, microsatellites, SSR

Recircumscription of the Canary Island endemics Argyranthemum broussonetii and A. callichrysum (Asteraceae: Anthemideae) based on evolutionary relationships and morphology
Oliver W. White, J. Alfredo Reyes-Betancort, Mark A. Chapman, Mark A. Carine
51(1), 129-139, (29 April 2021)
KEYWORDS: Anthemideae, Argyranthemum, Asteraceae, Macaronesia, phylogenetics, taxonomy

Euro+Med-Checklist Notulae, 13Eckhard Von Raab-Straube, Thomas Raus
51(1), 141-168, (30 April 2021)
KEYWORDS: distribution, Euro+Med PlantBase, Europe, Med-Checklist, Mediterranean, new combination, new record, taxonomy, vascular plants
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