
Adoxa 107

n°107 de 2021
éditée par
Association pour l’Etude de la Floristique
Avenue du roi Albert 167/4
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• Observations floristiques 2018-2021 en Wallonie et en Région de Bruxelles-Capitale C. WASTIAUX & coll.
• Prairie haute fleurie vs pelouse rase uniformément verte M. TANGHE
• Flore accompagnatrice des cultures : errata et addendum M. TANGHE
• Petit aperçu de la flore du Grand Nord européen M. TANGHE
• nventaire illustré de la flore ornementale du parc Tercoigne à Watermael-Boitsfort C. CAREME
• Stapelia variegata : une fleur intrigante R. ISERENTANT & M.-T. ROMAIN Rectificatifs M.-T. ROMAIN, C. WASTIAUX
• In memoriam. Le docteur Jacques Sténuit nous a quittés B. BEYS-L’HOEST


Plant Ecology and Evolution 154-2

n°154-2 de 2021
éditée par
Jardin botanique Meise
Verkoop Publicaties
Domein van Bouchout, Nieuwelaan 38
1860 MEISE
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An experimental investigation of costs of tolerance against leaf and floral herbivory in the herbaceous weed horsenettle (Solanum carolinense, Solanaceae) 
pp. 161-172(12) 
Authors: Wise, Michael J.; Mudrak, Erika L.

Time since first record and population density influence range sizes of non-native plants, but also of native plants, in a chronically overgrazed island 
pp. 173-182(10) 
Authors: Garcillán, Pedro P.; Martorell, Carlos

An overview of richness and distribution of mosses in Brazil 
pp. 183-191(9) 
Authors: Amorim, Eduardo T.; Menini Neto, Luiz; Luizi-Ponzo, Andrea P.

The phytogeography of moist forests across Eastern Zimbabwe 
pp. 192-200(9) 
Authors: Timberlake, Jonathan R.; Dowsett-Lemaire, Françoise; Müller, Tom

Effect of pollinator size on seed set in Lamium album var. barbatum 
pp. 201-206(6) 
Authors: Hattori, Mitsuru; Tamada, Yoko; Itino, Takao

Nocturnal and diurnal pollination in Copaifera coriacea, a dominant species in sand dunes of the Middle São Francisco River Basin, Northeastern Brazil 
pp. 207-216(10) 
Authors: Souza, Isys Mascarenhas; Hughes, Frederic Mendes; Funch, Ligia Silveira; de Queiroz, Luciano Paganucci

Population expansion and genetic structure in Cephalocereus nizandensis (Cactaceae), a microendemic cactus of rocky outcrops of the Tehuantepec basin, Mexico 
pp. 217-230(14) 
Authors: Juárez-Miranda, Aldo Isaac; Cornejo-Romero, Amelia; Vargas-Mendoza, Carlos Fabián

Identity of the subalpine–subarctic corticioid fungus Megalocystidium leucoxanthum (Russulales, Basidiomycota) and six related species 
pp. 231-244(14) 
Authors: Spirin, Viacheslav; Volobuev, Sergey; Malysheva, Vera; Miettinen, Otto; Kotiranta, Heikki; Larsson, Karl-Henrik

Epiphytic diatoms on herbarium material from the Central Forest phytogeographic region of the Democratic Republic of the Congo 
pp. 245-256(12) 
Authors: Okito, Alain Mosindo; Oleko, René Woto; Madder, Zoë; Cocquyt, Christine

Analysis of the type material of Gomphosphenia tackei (Bacillariophyceae) and comparison to epizoic diatom populations on freshwater snails 
pp. 257-263(7) 
Authors: Rybak, Mateusz; Peszek, Łukasz; Poradowska, Anita

Five new species of Streptocarpus (Gesneriaceae) from Katanga, D.R. Congo 
pp. 264-280(17) 
Authors: Fischer, Eberhard; Darbyshire, Iain

Synoptic revision of Kolobopetalum and Rhigiocarya (Menispermaceae) with the description of a new Kolobopetalum species from Gabon, and a new specific combination in Rhigiocarya from West Africa 
pp. 281-295(15) 
Author: Breteler, Frans J.

Anemopaegma kawense (Bignoniaceae), a new species from the Kaw Mountain (French Guiana), with notes on related species and a key to the genus in the Guianas 
pp. 296-306(11) 
Authors: Lachenaud, Olivier; Firetti, Fabiana G.; Lohmann, Lúcia G.

Orophea sichaikhanii (Annonaceae), a new species from southern Thailand, with a key to the species of Orophea in Thailand and notes on some species 
pp. 307-315(9) 
Authors: Damthongdee, Anissara; Aongyong, Kithisak; Chaowasku, Tanawat

Further new species and records from the coastal dry forests and woodlands of the Rovuma Centre of Endemism – Erratum 
pp. 316-316(1) 
Authors: Darbyshire, Iain; Goyder, David J.; Wood, John R.I.; Banze, Aurélio E.; Burrows, John E.
Remarque : Articles téléchargeables ici :


Ecologia mediterranea, Revue internationale d’écologie méditerranéenne 47-1

n°47-1 de 2021
éditée par
Europôle méditerranéen de l’Arbois, Bâtiment Villemin, B.P. 80
Contact :,
Site :

A phytosociological research on the surroundings of Sürgü Dam (Sürgü/Doğanşehir/Malatya), Eastern Anatolia, Turkey
h.toSYaGülü Çelİk,Ö.f.kaYa …………………………………………………………………. 35

Diversité des mycoendophytes foliaires de Limoniastrum feei (Girard) Batt. de Oued Aghlal (Béchar, Algérie)
Diversity of endophytic fungi associated with Limoniastrum feei leaves
(Girard) Batt. of Oued Aghlal (Bechar, Algeria) M.MeDjeber,N.SMail-SaaDouN,f.SaiDi ……………………………………………………… 55

Variations saisonnières de la diversité en mycoendophytes foliaires chez Pistacia atlantica de la daya de Aiat (Laghouat, Algérie)
Seasonal variations in foliar mycoendophytes diversity in Pistacia atlantica
of daya of Aiat (Laghouat, Algeria)
a.Zareb,N.SMail-SaaDouN ……………………………………………………………………. 69

Rapid disease diagnostic of Nerium oleander L. leaves by visible and near infrared spectroscopies
Diagnostic rapide de maladie des feuilles de Nerium oleander L.
par spectroscopies visible et proche infrarouge a.Maléchaux,i.GiffarD,N.DupuY,i.boMbarDa …………………………………………… 79

Cicatrisation post-incendie de la pinède semi-aride de Bastama (Sehary Guebli, région de Djelfa, Algérie)
Post-fire resilience of the semi-arid pine forest of Bastama
(Sehary Guebli, Djelfa region, Algeria)
b.Guit,b.NeDjiMi ……………………………………………………………………………….. 87

Étude diachronique de l’occupation du sol de la zone humide de Dayet Aoua dans le Moyen Atlas au Maroc
A diachronic study of the land uses of the Dayet Aoua wetland
in the Middle Atlas in Morocco
a.icheN,c.MeSSaouDi,M.el Malki,M.el MDerSSa ……………………………………….. 107
Remarque : Articles cités concernant la botanique uniquement. Numérto accessible en pdf ici :
