
Bulletin de la Société botanique du Vaucluse 27

n°27 de 2021
éditée par
Société botanique du Vaucluse
Michel GRAILLE, scrétaire de la SBV
105 avenue du 11 novembre 1918
Contact :
Site :

Plantes nouvelles ou retrouvées pour le Vaucluse
Bernard GIRERD Jean-Pierre ROUX

Le Cotonéaster du Dauphiné (Cotoneaster delphinensis Chatenier, 1923), un nouvel arbuste de la famille des Rosaceae pour la flore du Vaucluse (gorges de la Nesque, Mont-Ventoux, France)
Thomas CROZE

Contribution à la connaissance chorologique et écologi- que de l’endémique vauclusienne Acis fabrei (Quézel & Girerd) Lledo, A.P.Davis & M.B.Crespo, 2004 (nivéole de Fabre)
Thomas CROZE

Notes chorologiques concernant quelques flores vauclu- siennes rares et menacées
Thomas CROZE , Romain BARTHELD, Adrien ROLLAND

La culture du Câprier à Beaumes-de-Venise
Magali AMIR

In memoriam
Remarque : Numéro téléchargeable ici : (pour les abonnés au projet)


Adoxa 107

n°107 de 2021
éditée par
Association pour l’Etude de la Floristique
Avenue du roi Albert 167/4
Contact :
Site :

• Observations floristiques 2018-2021 en Wallonie et en Région de Bruxelles-Capitale C. WASTIAUX & coll.
• Prairie haute fleurie vs pelouse rase uniformément verte M. TANGHE
• Flore accompagnatrice des cultures : errata et addendum M. TANGHE
• Petit aperçu de la flore du Grand Nord européen M. TANGHE
• nventaire illustré de la flore ornementale du parc Tercoigne à Watermael-Boitsfort C. CAREME
• Stapelia variegata : une fleur intrigante R. ISERENTANT & M.-T. ROMAIN Rectificatifs M.-T. ROMAIN, C. WASTIAUX
• In memoriam. Le docteur Jacques Sténuit nous a quittés B. BEYS-L’HOEST


Plant Ecology and Evolution 154-2

n°154-2 de 2021
éditée par
Jardin botanique Meise
Verkoop Publicaties
Domein van Bouchout, Nieuwelaan 38
1860 MEISE
Contact :
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An experimental investigation of costs of tolerance against leaf and floral herbivory in the herbaceous weed horsenettle (Solanum carolinense, Solanaceae) 
pp. 161-172(12) 
Authors: Wise, Michael J.; Mudrak, Erika L.

Time since first record and population density influence range sizes of non-native plants, but also of native plants, in a chronically overgrazed island 
pp. 173-182(10) 
Authors: Garcillán, Pedro P.; Martorell, Carlos

An overview of richness and distribution of mosses in Brazil 
pp. 183-191(9) 
Authors: Amorim, Eduardo T.; Menini Neto, Luiz; Luizi-Ponzo, Andrea P.

The phytogeography of moist forests across Eastern Zimbabwe 
pp. 192-200(9) 
Authors: Timberlake, Jonathan R.; Dowsett-Lemaire, Françoise; Müller, Tom

Effect of pollinator size on seed set in Lamium album var. barbatum 
pp. 201-206(6) 
Authors: Hattori, Mitsuru; Tamada, Yoko; Itino, Takao

Nocturnal and diurnal pollination in Copaifera coriacea, a dominant species in sand dunes of the Middle São Francisco River Basin, Northeastern Brazil 
pp. 207-216(10) 
Authors: Souza, Isys Mascarenhas; Hughes, Frederic Mendes; Funch, Ligia Silveira; de Queiroz, Luciano Paganucci

Population expansion and genetic structure in Cephalocereus nizandensis (Cactaceae), a microendemic cactus of rocky outcrops of the Tehuantepec basin, Mexico 
pp. 217-230(14) 
Authors: Juárez-Miranda, Aldo Isaac; Cornejo-Romero, Amelia; Vargas-Mendoza, Carlos Fabián

Identity of the subalpine–subarctic corticioid fungus Megalocystidium leucoxanthum (Russulales, Basidiomycota) and six related species 
pp. 231-244(14) 
Authors: Spirin, Viacheslav; Volobuev, Sergey; Malysheva, Vera; Miettinen, Otto; Kotiranta, Heikki; Larsson, Karl-Henrik

Epiphytic diatoms on herbarium material from the Central Forest phytogeographic region of the Democratic Republic of the Congo 
pp. 245-256(12) 
Authors: Okito, Alain Mosindo; Oleko, René Woto; Madder, Zoë; Cocquyt, Christine

Analysis of the type material of Gomphosphenia tackei (Bacillariophyceae) and comparison to epizoic diatom populations on freshwater snails 
pp. 257-263(7) 
Authors: Rybak, Mateusz; Peszek, Łukasz; Poradowska, Anita

Five new species of Streptocarpus (Gesneriaceae) from Katanga, D.R. Congo 
pp. 264-280(17) 
Authors: Fischer, Eberhard; Darbyshire, Iain

Synoptic revision of Kolobopetalum and Rhigiocarya (Menispermaceae) with the description of a new Kolobopetalum species from Gabon, and a new specific combination in Rhigiocarya from West Africa 
pp. 281-295(15) 
Author: Breteler, Frans J.

Anemopaegma kawense (Bignoniaceae), a new species from the Kaw Mountain (French Guiana), with notes on related species and a key to the genus in the Guianas 
pp. 296-306(11) 
Authors: Lachenaud, Olivier; Firetti, Fabiana G.; Lohmann, Lúcia G.

Orophea sichaikhanii (Annonaceae), a new species from southern Thailand, with a key to the species of Orophea in Thailand and notes on some species 
pp. 307-315(9) 
Authors: Damthongdee, Anissara; Aongyong, Kithisak; Chaowasku, Tanawat

Further new species and records from the coastal dry forests and woodlands of the Rovuma Centre of Endemism – Erratum 
pp. 316-316(1) 
Authors: Darbyshire, Iain; Goyder, David J.; Wood, John R.I.; Banze, Aurélio E.; Burrows, John E.
Remarque : Articles téléchargeables ici :
