n°095 de 2021
éditée par
Société Botanique de France
Conservatoire Botanique de Bailleul
Renaud Ward
Hameau de Haendries
Contact : publicationJB@societebotaniquedefrance.fr
Site : https://societebotaniquedefrance.frSOMMAIRE :
Notes nomenclaturales relatives aux Aspleniaceae (Pteridophyta)-I
par Michel BOUDRIE et Ronald VIANE 2Focus : la Petite Pervenche, Vinca minor
par Michel BOTINEAU 7
Remarque : Disponnible en pdf pour les membres de la SBF
Journal de Botanique 094
n°094 de 2021
éditée par
Société Botanique de France
Conservatoire Botanique de Bailleul
Renaud Ward
Hameau de Haendries
Contact : publicationJB@societebotaniquedefrance.fr
Site : https://societebotaniquedefrance.frSOMMAIRE :
A propos du Gasparrinia peucedanoides (M. Bieb.) Thell., l’histoire de sa découverte en Côte-d’Or
par Jean VALLADE 2Complément à la connaissance de la flore vasculaire de l’île Gargalu (Réserve naturelle de Scàndula, Corse occidentale)
par Frédéric MEDAIL & Daniel PAVON 11Evolution de la flore et de la végétation du lac de Creno (Corse) vingt-cinq ans après la mise en place de mesures de gestion
par Guilhan PARADIS, Carole PIAZZA et Laurent SORBA 28
Remarque : Disponnible en pdf pour les membres de la SBF
Plant Ecology and Evolution 155-3
n°155-3 de 2022
éditée par
Jardin botanique Meise
Verkoop Publicaties
Domein van Bouchout, Nieuwelaan 38
1860 MEISE
Contact : regine.fabri@jardinbotaniquemeise.be
Site : http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/botbel/plecevo/SOMMAIRE :
A new species of Amorphophallus (Araceae) from Eastern D.R. Congo, and a new record of the genus from RwandaIncreasing knowledge on the diversity of canelas-de-ema in the campo rupestre: two new species of Vellozia (Velloziaceae) from the southern Espinhaço Range, Brazil
Waltheria marielleae (Byttnerioideae, Malvaceae), a new species from north-eastern Brazil supported by morphological and phylogenetic evidence
Genetic diversity and fine-scale spatial genetic structure of the near-threatened Pinus gerardiana in Gardiz, Afghanistan
Floral ontogeny links Dialypetalanthus (Condamineeae) with the floral developmental morphology of other Rubiaceae
Species delimitation and phylogenetic relationships of Silene villosa s.l. (Caryophyllaceae, sect. Silene s.l.) using nrDNA ITS and cpDNA rps16
The vascular plant diversity of Burundi
A striking new species of Rhipidocladum (Poaceae: Bambusoideae: Bambuseae: Arthrostylidiinae) with single, terminal-spikelet synflorescences, endemic to Jalisco, Mexico
A new species of Parianella (Poaceae, Bambusoideae, Olyreae) marks the southernmost distribution of the genus in Brazil
Remarque : Articles téléchargeables : https://plecevo.eu/issue/4206/
Plant Ecology and Evolution 155-2
n°155-2 de 2022
éditée par
Jardin botanique Meise
Verkoop Publicaties
Domein van Bouchout, Nieuwelaan 38
1860 MEISE
Contact : regine.fabri@jardinbotaniquemeise.be
Site : http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/botbel/plecevo/SOMMAIRE :
On the occasion of its 160 th birthday, Plant Ecology and Evolution gets a makeoverThe breeding system of Hyacinthoides non-scripta (Asparagaceae): assessing the role of geitonogamy with captive pollinators
Flora and fire in an old-growth Central African forest-savanna mosaic: a checklist of the Parc National des Plateaux Batéké (Gabon)
Phenological patterns of herbaceous Mediterranean plant communities in spring: is there a difference between native and formerly-cultivated grasslands?
Three new Achnanthidium (Bacillariophyceae) species from Lake Salda (Anatolia, Turkey), a deep soda lake
Medicinal Vitex species (Lamiaceae) occupy different niches in Haut-Katanga tropical dry woodlands
Impatiens smetsiana, another example of convergent evolution of flower morphology in Impatiens
The fate of Holoregmia, a monospecific genus endemic to the Brazilian Caatinga, under different future climate scenarios
Revision of Carapichea (Rubiaceae-Psychotrieae) in the Guianas, with two new combinations and transfer of three species to Notopleura
Nuclear ribosomal phylogeny of Brachystegia: new markers for new insights about rain forests and Miombo woodlands evolution
Leaf morphospace in Euphorbia tithymaloides (Euphorbiaceae) was likely shaped by evolutionary contingencies rather than climate
Remarque : https://plecevo.eu/issue/3743/
Plant Ecology and Evolution 155-1
n°155-1 de 2022
éditée par
Jardin botanique Meise
Verkoop Publicaties
Domein van Bouchout, Nieuwelaan 38
1860 MEISE
Contact : regine.fabri@jardinbotaniquemeise.be
Site : http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/botbel/plecevo/SOMMAIRE :
How large-scale geographic factors affect the different dimensions of functional diversity: evidence from the beech forest herb layer (Apennines, Italy)Reproductive biology and flower-visitor interactions of two bromeliad species from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest
Morphometric analysis provides evidence for two traditionally defined species of the Tillandsia erubescens complex (Bromeliaceae)
Monophyly and transoceanic dispersal in the widespread floating club-rush clade, Isolepis subgenus Fluitantes (Cyperaceae)
Seed morphology of Hamelieae with emphasis on the Deppea complex (Cinchonoideae, Rubiaceae)
Diversity and habitat preferences of benthic diatoms from South Bay (Livingston Island, Antarctica)
Taxonomic and biogeographical analysis of diatom assemblages from historic bryophyte samples from Campbell Island (sub-Antarctic)
Unravelling the diversity of the lichen genus Porina (Porinaceae) in Mauritius
New and little-known species of Englerodendron (Leguminosae-Detarioideae) from Central Africa, with a revised key to the genus
Mitracarpus semirianus (Spermacoceae, Rubiaceae), an overlooked new species from the “campo rupestre” of Bahia, northeastern Brazil, with notes on Mitracarpus lhotzkyanus
Remarque : Articles téléchargeables : https://plecevo.eu/issue/3739/