

n°31 de 2013
éditée par
le réseau des Muséums d’Histoire Naturelle de la Région Centre (Rémuce)
6, rue Marcel-Proust
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BOUGRINE N. & BESSON L. Décryptage des termes en wolof et soninké utilisés pour les collectes ornithologiques de Victor Planchat 1 – 8
ALIGNAN j.-F., DEBRAS J.-F. & DUTOIT T. Quelles places pour les Coléoptères et les Orthoptères dans la restauration écologique de la plainede Crau (Bouches-du-Rhône, France) ? 9 – 15
RENON J.-P. & PINEAU X. Présence d’une nouvelle espèce de “crevette” invasive (Hemimysis anomala) dans la rivière du Loiret. A ce propos, qu’est-ce qu’une ” crevette ” pour un zoologiste ? 16 – 20
TESSIER M. Inventaire des peuplements de chiroptères sylvicoles de la ceinture péri-urbaine de Toulouse 21 – 24
BALVAY G. Suppléments à l’inventaire du zooplancton de la région Centre (départements d’Eure-et-Loir, Indre, et Loir-et-Cher) 25 – 30
BERTRAND J., ECTOR L. & RENON J.P. Diatomées des mares. I. L’échantillonnage des diatomées : un problème de choix des supports 31 – 38
VALLET A. & QUENT M. Nouvelles espèces de syrphes (Diptera, Syrphidae) pour le département du Cher et pour la région Centre ( France) 39 – 42
FLEURY J. Présence de Trixagus atticus Reitter 1921 en Eure-et-Loir (Coleoptera, Throscidae) 43 – 44
KEITH D. & ZUBAIR A. New records for the fauna of Pakistan (Col. Scarabaeoidea) 45 – 46
LIN L., KEITH D., Li J., ZHANG X., HUANG L. & GAO M. Contribution à la connaissance des Scarabaeoidea du Qinghai et du Xizang, R.P. Chine (Coleoptera) 47 – 48



n°30 de 2013
éditée par
le réseau des Muséums d’Histoire Naturelle de la Région Centre (Rémuce)
6, rue Marcel-Proust
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Jean-Louis Pointal (1949 — 2013) 1
BESSON L. Les collectes ornithologiques sénégalaises de Victor Planchat dans la collection Albert Maës 2 – 16
LEQUIVARD L. & MILLOUET J.-CH. Flore des Mares de l’ Orléanais 17 – 26
CHEVALIER R. Entre champ de colza et forêt : la flore des lisières. Premiers résultats d’une étude menée dans le Gâtinais du Loiret (45) 27 – 32
FONTAINE A. Conséquences de la coupe d’un semis de Pins sur la dynamique d’une pelouse sèche . 33 – 40
BOUDIER P. Essai d’une bibliographie bryologique de la région Centre 41 – 44


Plant Ecology and Evolution

n°148-2 de 2015
éditée par
la Jardin botanique Meise
Jardin botanique Meise
Verkoop Publicaties
Domein van Bouchout, Nieuwelaan 38
1860 MEISE
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Reduced fecundity and genetic diversity in small populations of rewarding versus deceptive orchid species: a meta-analysis pp. 153-159(7) Authors: Gijbels, Pieter; De Hert, Koen; Jacquemyn, Hans; Honnay, Olivier
Past and present distribution of the rare aquatic plant Luronium natans (Alismataceae) in Belgium shows marked decline and bad conservation status pp. 160-170(11) Authors: Ronse, Anne C.M.; Leyssen, An; Packet, Jo; Denys, Luc
Does altitude shape molecular diversity and richness of bryophytes in Madeira’s natural forest? A case study with four bryophyte species at two altitudinal levels pp. 171-180(10) Authors: Sim-Sim, Manuela; Lopes, Tina; Ruas, Sara; Stech, Michael
Specialist plant species harbour higher reproductive performances in recently restored calcareous grasslands than in reference habitats pp. 181-190(10) Authors: Harzé, Mélanie; Mahy, Grégory; Bizoux, Jean-Philippe; Piqueray, Julien; Monty, Arnaud
Effects of fragmentation and population size on the genetic diversity of Centaurea cyanus (Asteraceae) populations pp. 191-198(8) Authors: Petit, Cécile; Arnal, Hélène; Darmency, Henri
What influences pollen dispersal in the clonal distylous Menyanthes trifoliata (Menyanthaceae)? pp. 199-212(14) Authors: Van Rossum, Fabienne; Leprince, Nathalie; Mayer, Carolin; Raabová, Jana; Hans, Guillaume; Jacquemart, Anne-Laure
Reproductive biology of Pentadesma butyracea (Clusiaceae), source of a valuable non timber forest product in Benin pp. 213-228(16) Authors: Ewédjè, Eben-Ezer B.K.; Ahanchédé, Adam; Hardy, Olivier J.; Ley, Alexandra C.
Theoretical predictions of plant-pollinator interactions in sympatric species of Psychotria (Rubiaceae) in Cerrado of Brazil pp. 229-236(8) Authors: Mesquita-Neto, José N.; Silva-Neto, Carlos M.; Franceschinelli, Edivani V.
A developmental model for the corolla in Rubiaceae. Cryptic character states in corollas of the Spermacoceae alliance pp. 237-255(19) Authors: Vrijdaghs, Alexander; De Block, Petra; Verstraete, Brecht; Groeninckx, Inge; Smets, Erik; Dessein, Steven
Using legacy botanical literature as a source of phytogeographical data pp. 256-266(11) Author: Groom, Quentin J.
The seaweed flora of the Balabac Marine Biodiversity Conservation Corridor (BMBCC), Southern Palawan, Western Philippines pp. 267-282(16) Authors: Santiañez, Wilfred John E.; Sariego, Ria S.; Trono Jr., Gavino C.
Intraspecific variation in flowering phenology affects seed germinability in the forest herb Primula elatior pp. 283-288(6) Authors: Baeten, Lander; Sercu, Bram; Bonte, Dries; Vanhellemont, Margot; Verheyen, Kris
Reproductive biology of Primula beesiana (Primulaceae), an alpine species endemic to Southwest China pp. 289-296(8) Authors: Huang, Yuan; Li, Naiwei; Ren, Zongxin; Chen, Gao; Wu, Zhikun; Ma, Yongpeng
First record on secondary pollen presentation in the Cucurbitaceae family pp. 297-299(3) Author: Jadeja, Shivani

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n°45-1 de 2015
éditée par
le Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem
Freie Universität Berlin
Königin-Luise-Straße 6-8
14195 BERLIN
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Systematics and biogeography of Veronica subg. Pentasepalae from the Levant open access
Dirk C. Albach and Mohammad Al-Gharaibeh
pg(s) 5–14
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Abstract & References : Full Text : PDF (1386 KB)

Lichenological exploration of Algeria: historical overview and annotated bibliography, 1799–2013 open access
Said Amrani, Asma Nacer, Nazhat-Ezzamane Noureddine and Mark R. D. Seaward
pg(s) 15–34
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Abstract & References : Full Text : PDF (1612 KB)

A critically endangered new species of Aralia (Araliaceae) from Cuba open access
Ramiro Chaves
pg(s) 35–43
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Abstract & References : Full Text : PDF (6366 KB)

Primulina heterochroa (Gesneriaceae), a new species from a tropical limestone area in Guangxi, China open access
Fang Wen, Bi-Dan Lai, Zhi-Guo Zhao, Jin-Yan He and Bai-Sheng Jiang
pg(s) 45–51
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Abstract & References : Full Text : PDF (4842 KB)

Henckelia bracteata, a new species of Gesneriaceae from S Western Ghats, India, and lectotypification of Didymocarpus humboldtianus (H. humboldtiana) open access
A. P. Janeesha and Santhosh Nampy
pg(s) 53–59
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Abstract & References : Full Text : PDF (6277 KB)

Wood anatomy of Cuban species of Leptocereus (Cactaceae) open access
Alina Cuza Pérez and Duniel Barrios
pg(s) 61–64
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Abstract & References : Full Text : PDF (4973 KB)

Pollen morphology of the southern African tribe Teedieae, an early-branching lineage of crown Scrophulariaceae open access
Sergei L. Mosyakin and Zoya M. Tsymbalyuk
pg(s) 65–75
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Abstract & References : Full Text : PDF (7448 KB)

Molecular phylogeny of the tribe Astereae (Asteraceae) in SW Asia based on nrDNA ITS and cpDNA psbA-trnH sequences open access
Farzaneh Jafari, Shahrokh Kazempour Osaloo and Valiollah Mozffarian
pg(s) 77–92
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Abstract & References : Full Text : PDF (1468 KB)

A replacement name for a species of Hypoestes (Acanthaceae) from Somalia open access
Mikael Hedrén and Mats Thulin
pg(s) 93–93
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Abstract & References : Full Text : PDF (314 KB)

Correction of the type locality of Dryopetalon stenocarpum (Brassicaceae) open access
Ihsan A. Al-Shehbaz
pg(s) 95–95
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Abstract & References : Full Text : PDF (307 KB)

Lectotypification of Carex nemorosa var. cuprina and clarification of C. cuprina (Cyperaceae) open access
Jacob Koopman
pg(s) 97–101
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Abstract & References : Full Text : PDF (2932 KB)

A Mediterranean medicinal plant in the continental Balkans: A plastid DNA-based phylogeographic survey of Salvia officinalis (Lamiaceae) and its conservation implications open access
Danilo Stojanović, Jelena M. Aleksić, Ivan Jančić and Radiša Jančić
pg(s) 103–118
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Abstract & References : Full Text : PDF (5687 KB)

Euro+Med-Checklist Notulae, 4 open access
Eckhard Von Raab-Straube and Thomas Raus
pg(s) 119–129
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Abstract & References : Full Text : PDF (2848 KB)

Studies in Hyaloscyphaceae associated with major vegetation types in the Canary Islands I: Cistella and Hyphodiscus open access
Luis Quijada, Seppo Huhtinen and Esperanza Beltrán-tejera
pg(s) 131–146
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Abstract & References : Full Text : PDF (14216 KB)

Verbascum albidiflorum (Scrophulariaceae), a new species from W Iran open access
Massoud Ranjbar and Samineh Nouri
pg(s) 147–155
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Abstract & References : Full Text : PDF (5996 KB)

Book reviews open access
Susanne S. Renner
pg(s) 157–157
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Abstract & References : Full Text : PDF (357 KB)

Index to new names and combinations appearing in Willdenowia 45(1) open access
pg(s) 159–159
Citation : Full Text : PDF (339 KB)

Index to typifications of names in Willdenowia 45(1) open access
pg(s) 159–159
Citation : Full Text : PDF (338 KB)
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