n°157-2 de 2024
éditée par
Jardin botanique Meise
Verkoop Publicaties Domein van Bouchout, Nieuwelaan 38 1860 MEISE BELGIQUEContact : regine.fabri@jardinbotaniquemeise.be
Site : https://plecevo.eu/issuesSommaire
The genus Orthoseira (Orthoseiraceae, Bacillariophyta) in Papua New Guinea with the description of two new species
Natalia Kochman-Kędziora, Bart Van de VijverChlorohiptage (Tetrapteroids, Malpighiaceae), a distinct new genus endemic to Vietnam based on morphological and molecular data
Truong Van Do, Ngan Thi Lu, Anh Tuan Le, Mai Xuan Thi Lam, Xuan Thi Trinh, Jean-Philippe Deguine, Thao Thi Hoang, Rafael Felipe de AlmeidaNomenclatural revision and typification of extra-Amazonian Tachigali (Leguminosae – Caesalpinioideae)
Lara Serpa Jaegge Deccache, Haroldo Cavalcante de Lima, Claudio Nicoletti de FragaA new Actinella species (Eunotiaceae, Bacillariophyta) from the Yangambi Biosphere Reserve, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Christine Cocquyt, Jonathan C. TaylorRecent evolutionary divergence in a plant ring-species is not accompanied by floral phenology or pollinator shifts
Itzel A. Piña-de la Rosa, Clara López-Marmolejo, N. Ivalú CachoRevision of the Staurosirella leptostauron complex (Staurosiraceae, Bacillariophyta) in Europe with the description of three new species
Bart Van de Vijver, Wolf-Henning Kusber, Ingrid Jüttner, Tanja M. Schuster, David M. WilliamsBiogeography and ecology of the Algerian island flora
Mohamed Hamimeche, Errol Véla, François Gillet, Riadh MoulaïGardenia (Rubiaceae) seed conservation physiology with emphasis on rare Hawaiian species
Mike Opgenorth, Emily Sailing, Nina Rønsted, Dustin WolkisClarifying the dubious identity of Vanilla dubia Hoehne (Orchidaceae) and its relatives
Emerson R. Pansarin, Marcelo R. MirandaMorphological and phenological variation of flower colour morphs in a wild population of Opuntia streptacantha (Cactaceae)
Gerardo Manzanarez-Villasana, María C. MandujanoRemarque : Téléchargeable ici : plecevo.eu/issue/4796/