Bollettino 28-2

n°28-2 de 2010
éditée par
l’Associazione Micologica ed Ecologica Romana
Associazione Micologica ed Ecologica Romana
via sardegna, 161
00187 ROMA
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Site : Si quelqu’un pouvait trouver le site où se trouve les sommaires du Bolletino je suis preneur.

Systematic and biostratigraphy of holoplaktonic Mollusca from the oligo-miocene of de Maltese Archipelago (197 pp.)



n°42-1 de 2012
éditée par
le Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem
Freie Universität Berlin
Königin-Luise-Straße 6-8
14195 BERLIN
Contact :
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A novel phylogeny-based generic classification for Chenopodium sensu lato, and a tribal rearrangement of Chenopodioideae (Chenopodiaceae)
pp. 5-24(20)
Authors: Fuentes-Bazan, Susy; Uotila, Pertti; Borsch, Thomas

The nomenclature of Portulaca oleracea and P. sativa (Portulacaceae)
pp. 25-28(4)
Authors: Uotila, Pertti; Sennikov, Alexander N.; Danin, Avinoam

Typification of Joseph Freyn’s names in the genera Celsia and Verbascum (Scrophulariaceae)
pp. 29-35(7)
Authors: Sutorý, Karel

Infraspecific classification of Alyssum diffusum (Brassicaceae) in Italy
pp. 37-56(20)
Authors: Španiel, Stanislav; Zozomová-Lihová, Judita; Passalacqua, Nicodemo G.; Marhold, Karol

Two new combinations in Adenostyles (Asteraceae, Senecioneae), a conspectus of the genus and key to its species and subspecies
pp. 57-61(5)
Authors: Dillenberger, Markus S.; Kadereit, Joachim W.

A new cultivar microspecies of the Portulaca oleracea aggregate from the E Mediterranean
pp. 63-65(3)
Authors: Danin, Avinoam; Bagella, Simonetta

A taxonomic revision of non-native Cenchrus s.str. (Paniceae, Poaceae) in the Mediterranean area
pp. 67-75(9)
Authors: Verloove, Filip; Gullón, Enrique Sánchez

New combinations in Cenchrus (Paniceae, Poaceae) in Europe and the Mediterranean area
pp. 77-78(2)
Author: Verloove, Filip

Murdannia sahyadrica, a new species of Commelinaceae from the Northwestern Ghats, India
pp. 79-83(5)
Authors: Nampy, Santhosh; Anna, A.A. Ancy; Manudev, K.M.

Critical notes on the genera Hieracium and Pilosella (Asteraceae, Cichorieae) in the Himalayas
pp. 85-88(4)
Author: Sennikov, Alexander N.

Argentina recognita (Rosaceae, Potentilleae), a new species from New Guinea, with a key to the species known from the island
pp. 89-93(5)
Authors: Soják, Jirí

Coccoloba howardii (Polygonaceae), a new species from Cuba
pp. 95-98(4)
Authors: Noa, Idelfonso Castañeda

When field botany meets history: taxonomy of Platanus mexicana in Mexico
pp. 99-115(17)
Authors: Denk, Thomas; Grimm, Guido W.; Röseler, Anne-Katrin

The discovery, naming and typification of Bougainvillea spectabilis (Nyctaginaceae)
pp. 117-126(10)
Author: Lack, H. Walter

Contribution to the flora of the South Aegean Volcanic Arc: Anafi Island (Kiklades, Greece)
pp. 127-141(15)
Authors: Kougioumoutzis, Konstantinos; Tiniakou, Argyro; Georgiou, Ourania; Georgiadis, Theodoros

Buchbesprechungen / Book reviews
pp. 143-145(3)

Index to new names and combinations appearing in Willdenowia 42(1)
pp. 147-148(2)

Index to typifications of names in Willdenowia 42(1)
pp. 147-148(2)
Remarque : téléchargeable ici :


Candollea – journal international de botanique systématique

n°67 (1) de 2012
éditée par
le Conservatoire et Jardin Botaniques de la ville de Genève
Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève
Bibliothèque (périodiques)
Case postale 60
Contact :
Site :

AESCHIMANN, D., N. RASOLOFO & J.-P. THEURILLAT – Analysis of the flora of the Alps. 3: biology and phenology
Analyse de la flore des Alpes. 3: biologie et phénologie
Pages 5 – 21 | Abstract | Full text article (pdf 4.51 Mb)

ALLORGE, L. & A. LEHAVANA – Description of the fruit of Tabernaemontana capuronii Leeuwenb. (Apocynaceae), 40 years after the discovery of this species
Description du fruit de Tabernaemontana capuronii Leeuwenb. (Apocynaceae), 40 ans après la découverte de l?espèce
Pages 139 – 141 | Abstract | Full text article (pdf 893 Kb)

BANDYOPADHYAY, S. – Lectotypification of Bauhinia phoenicea Wight & Arn. (Leguminosae: Caesalpinioideae)
Pages 41 – 43 | Abstract | Full text article (pdf 3.04 Mb)

BARTOLUCCI, F. & L. PERUZZI – Typification of Fritillaria tubiformis Gren. & Godr., Fritillaria delphinensis f. moggridgei Planch. and Fritillaria delphinensis var. burnatii Planch. (Liliaceae) from SW Europe
Pages 23 – 29 | Abstract | Full text article (pdf 611 Kb)

BHATTACHARJEE, A. – On the status of some species of Cheirostylis Blume (Orchidaceae) from India
Pages 31 – 35 | Abstract | Full text article (pdf 1.26 Mb)

CALLMANDER, M. W. & P. B. PHILLIPSON – Notes on the genus Ochna L. (Ochnaceae) in Madagascar
Pages 142 – 144 | Abstract | Full text article (pdf 560 Kb)

CALLMANDER, M. W., P. B. PHILLIPSON & L. GAUTIER (ed.) – Notes on the flora of Madagascar, 22-25
Pages 137 – 151 | Abstract | Full text article (pdf 5.09 Mb)

DEY, S. & P. V. PRASANNA – Typifications of Rhynchospora hookeri Boeck., Rhynchospora longisetis R. Br. and Rhynchospora rubra (Lour.) Makino (Cyperaceae)
Pages 45 – 50 | Abstract | Full text article (pdf 451 Kb)

FAGÚNDEZ, J. – Study of some European wild hybrids of Erica L. (Ericaceae), with descriptions of a new nothospecies: Erica nelsonii Fagúndez and a new nothosubspecies: Erica veitchii nothosubsp. asturica Fagúndez
Pages 51 – 57 | Abstract | Full text article (pdf 2.38 Mb)

FERRER-GALLEGO, P., R. ROSELLÓ, J. GÓMEZ & J. B. PERIS – Revised lectotypification of Teucrium gnaphalodes L?Hér.(Lamiaceae)
Pages 37 – 40 | Abstract | Full text article (pdf 2.07 Mb)

GAUTIER, L., L. NUSBAUMER, R. GARRATT, R. RANDRIANAIVO & P. B. PHILLIPSON – Mimusops coriacea (A. DC.) Miq. (Sapotaceae): nomenclature, distribution and ecology
Pages 148 – 151 | Abstract | Full text article (pdf 2.92 Mb)

HARDION, L., R. VERLAQUE, M. W. CALLMANDER & B. VILA – Arundo micrantha Lam. (Poaceae), the correct name for Arundomauritanica Desf. and Arundomediterranea Danin
Pages 131 – 135 | Abstract | Full text article (pdf 5.14 Mb)

IAMONICO, D. – Studies on the genus Atriplex L. (Amaranthaceae) in Italy. II. Lectotypification of Atriplex elongata Guss.
Pages 181 – 185 | Abstract | Full text article (pdf 796 Kb)

KOLLMANN, L. J.-C. & A. LUNA PEIXOTO – Begonia fragae L. Kollmann & Peixoto and Begonia wasshauseniana L. Kollmann & Peixoto (Begoniaceae), two new species from the state of Espírito Santo, Brazil
Pages 59 – 64 | Abstract | Full text article (pdf 1.75 Mb)

MORILLO, G. & J. FONTELLA PEREIRA – Matelea balansae Morillo & Fontella (Asclepiadaceae), a new species for the flora of Paraguay
Matelea balansae Morillo & Fontella (Asclepiadaceae), una nueva especie para la flora de Paraguay
Pages 188 – 189 | Abstract | Full text article (pdf 899 Kb)

PRICE, M. J. – Catalogue of the Benjamin Balansa moss collections from Paraguay in Herbarium Genavense (G)
Pages 153 – 179 | Abstract | Full text article (pdf 427 Kb)

PUJADAS-SALVÀ, A. J. & P. FRAGA I ARGUIMBAU – Orobanche rumseiana A. Pujadas & P. Fraga (Orobanchaceae), a new species from the Balearic Islands
Pages 65 – 74 | Abstract | Full text article (pdf 1.39 Mb)

RAMELLA, L. & P. PERRET (ed.) – Notulae ad Floram paraquaiensem, 112
Pages 187 – 189 | Abstract | Full text article (pdf 913 Kb)

ROGERS, S. Z. & M. THULIN – Peltophorum dasyrhachis (Miq.) Kurz: a new record of a Southeast Asian species of Fabaceae (Caesalpinioideae) naturalized in northwestern Madagascar
Pages 145 – 147 | Abstract | Full text article (pdf 986 Kb)

STAUFFER, F. W., J. STAUFFER & L. J. DORR – Bonpland and Humboldt specimens, field notes, and herbaria; new insights from a study of the monocotyledons collected in Venezuela
Pages 75 – 130 | Abstract | Full text article (pdf 3.06 Mb)

Analyse d’ouvrage
Pages 191 – 192 | Full text article (pdf 51 Kb)

Index des combinaisons et noms nouveaux – Index of new combinations and names
Pages 193 | Full text article (pdf 22 Kb)

Remarque : Articles entièrement téléchargeables



n°72 de août 2012
éditée par
l’Amicale Européenne de Floristique
rue Arthur Roland,
61 B
Contact :
Site :

La flore calcicole de la Picardie occidentale et celle de régions voisines
(Artois, Pays de Caux, Basse vallée de la Seine) : similitudes et différences J. R.. WATTEZ 1
La Société Botanique de France en Ardenne belge,
excursion du 6 juillet 2011 J. SAINTENOY-SIMON et Dominique CHAMPLUVIER 10
Notes bryologiques prises à Saint-Hubert
au cours de la journée du 6 juillet 2011 A. et O. SOTIAUX 22
Excursion de l’A.E.F. à Harchies,
le 10 septembre 2011 J. SAINTENOY-SIMON et Colette DELMARCHE 25
