Willdenowia 54-1

n°54-1 de 2024
éditée par
Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem
Freie Universität Berlin Königin-Luise-Straße 6-8 14195 BERLIN ALLEMAGNE

Contact : zebgbm@bgbm.org
Site : https://bioone.org/journals/willdenowia


Euro+Med-Checklist Notulae, 17
Eckhard von Raab-Straube, Thomas Raus
Willdenowia 54 (1), 5-45, (19 February 2024) doi.org/10.3372/wi.54.54101

Phylogenetic and biogeographical analyses of Thismia (Thismiaceae) support T. malipoensis as the eighth species in China
Ji-Dong Ya, Hai-Yao Chen, Wei Zhang, Ren-Bin Zhu, Jie Cai, Wen-Bin Yu
Willdenowia 54 (1), 47-63, (28 February 2024) doi.org/10.3372/wi.54.54102

Limonium artelariae (Plumbaginaceae), a new endemic species and further taxonomic and floristic notes on the genus in the island of Crete
Konstantina Koutroumpa
Willdenowia 54 (1), 65-79, (13 March 2024) doi.org/10.3372/wi.54.54103

A tiny rediscovery in the Land of Giants: a new combination in Giuliettia (Eriocaulaceae, Poales) and other implications of finding Paepalanthus minimus again
Caroline Oliveira Andrino, Luiz Henrique Rocha, Paulo Minatel Gonella
Willdenowia 54 (1), 81-93, (11 April 2024) doi.org/10.3372/wi.54.54104

Remarque : Téléchargeables bioone.org/journals/willdenowia/current
