n°52-3 de 2022
éditée par
Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem
Freie Universität Berlin
Königin-Luise-Straße 6-8
14195 BERLIN
Contact : zebgbm@bgbm.org
Site : http://www.bgbm.fu-berlin.de/BGBM/library/publikat/willdenowia.htmSOMMAIRE :
Taxonomic review of Scrophularia sect. Tomiophyllum in Bulgaria and Serbia: the case of Scrophularia bulgarica
Stoyan Stoyanov, Yulian Marinov, Nadejda Apostolova-Stoyanova, Vladimir Ranđelović, Snežana Vukojičić
Willdenowia 52 (3), 303-312, (28 November 2022) https://doi.org/10.3372/wi.52.52301
KEYWORDS: Balkan flora, new record, nomenclature, relict species, Scrophularia, Scrophularia bulgarica, Scrophularia sect. Tomiophyllum, taxonomic redefinitionThe genus Isoetes (Isoetaceae) in Central Africa (Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, Burundi) with the description of three new species
Eberhard Fischer, Wolfram Lobin
Willdenowia 52 (3), 315-334, (1 December 2022) https://doi.org/10.3372/wi.52.52303
KEYWORDS: central Africa, Endemism, Isoetaceae, Isoetes hallei, Isoetes rwandensis, Isoetes pichisermollii, megaspores, new species, taxonomyTaxonomic, nomenclatural and floristic review of Amaranthaceae of Greece and neighbouring countries
Thomas Raus
Willdenowia 52 (3), 335-357, (6 December 2022) https://doi.org/10.3372/wi.52.52304
KEYWORDS: Achyranthes, Amaranthaceae, Amaranthus, Balkan Peninsula, Greece, Lectotypification, new combination, nomenclature, Polycnemum, taxonomyA new endemic species of Mammillaria (Cactaceae) from San Luis Potosí, Mexico
Pedro González-Zamora, David Aquino, Jonathan Mohl, Daniel Sánchez
Willdenowia 52 (3), 359-372, (12 December 2022) https://doi.org/10.3372/wi.52.52305
KEYWORDS: Cactaceae, Cacteae, Mammillaria, Mammillaria ser. Stylothelae, Mexico, morphology, multivariate statistics, new species, species delimitationTaxonomic novelties in the Asteraceae–Inuleae with the description of a new genus, Galgera separate from Laggera
Arne A. Anderberg, Annika Bengtson
Willdenowia 52 (3), 373-386, (27 December 2022) https://doi.org/10.3372/wi.52.52306
KEYWORDS: Asteraceae, Blumea, Compositae, Cyathocline, Inuleae, Laggera, ndhF, new genus, Pentanema, phylogenetic analysis, taxonomy, VicoaA revision of the “basal-axile placentation clade” of Miconieae, the newly erected Miconia sect. Liogieria(Melastomataceae: Miconieae) from the Greater Antilles
Eldis R. Bécquer, Thuane Bochorny, Maria Gavrutenko, Fabián A. Michelangeli
Willdenowia 52 (3), 387-432, (31 December 2022) https://doi.org/10.3372/wi.52.52307
KEYWORDS: basal-axial placentation clade, Calycogonium, Caribbean, Charianthus, Cuba, deciduous melastomes, Graffenrieda, Greater Antilles, Melastomataceae, Miconia, Miconieae, Ossaea, Pachyanthus, taxonomyRemarque : téléchargement des articles : https://bioone.org/journals/willdenowia/volume-52/issue-3