Plant Ecology and Evolution 155-2

n°155-2 de 2022
éditée par
Jardin botanique Meise
Verkoop Publicaties
Domein van Bouchout, Nieuwelaan 38
1860 MEISE
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On the occasion of its 160 th birthday, Plant Ecology and Evolution gets a makeover

The breeding system of Hyacinthoides non-scripta (Asparagaceae): assessing the role of geitonogamy with captive pollinators

Flora and fire in an old-growth Central African forest-savanna mosaic: a checklist of the Parc National des Plateaux Batéké (Gabon)

Phenological patterns of herbaceous Mediterranean plant communities in spring: is there a difference between native and formerly-cultivated grasslands?

Three new Achnanthidium (Bacillariophyceae) species from Lake Salda (Anatolia, Turkey), a deep soda lake

Medicinal Vitex species (Lamiaceae) occupy different niches in Haut-Katanga tropical dry woodlands

Impatiens smetsiana, another example of convergent evolution of flower morphology in Impatiens

The fate of Holoregmia, a monospecific genus endemic to the Brazilian Caatinga, under different future climate scenarios

Revision of Carapichea (Rubiaceae-Psychotrieae) in the Guianas, with two new combinations and transfer of three species to Notopleura

Nuclear ribosomal phylogeny of Brachystegia: new markers for new insights about rain forests and Miombo woodlands evolution

Leaf morphospace in Euphorbia tithymaloides (Euphorbiaceae) was likely shaped by evolutionary contingencies rather than climate
Remarque :


Plant Ecology and Evolution 155-1

n°155-1 de 2022
éditée par
Jardin botanique Meise
Verkoop Publicaties
Domein van Bouchout, Nieuwelaan 38
1860 MEISE
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How large-scale geographic factors affect the different dimensions of functional diversity: evidence from the beech forest herb layer (Apennines, Italy)

Reproductive biology and flower-visitor interactions of two bromeliad species from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest

Morphometric analysis provides evidence for two traditionally defined species of the Tillandsia erubescens complex (Bromeliaceae)

Monophyly and transoceanic dispersal in the widespread floating club-rush clade, Isolepis subgenus Fluitantes (Cyperaceae)

Seed morphology of Hamelieae with emphasis on the Deppea complex (Cinchonoideae, Rubiaceae)

Diversity and habitat preferences of benthic diatoms from South Bay (Livingston Island, Antarctica)

Taxonomic and biogeographical analysis of diatom assemblages from historic bryophyte samples from Campbell Island (sub-Antarctic)

Unravelling the diversity of the lichen genus Porina (Porinaceae) in Mauritius

New and little-known species of Englerodendron (Leguminosae-Detarioideae) from Central Africa, with a revised key to the genus

Mitracarpus semirianus (Spermacoceae, Rubiaceae), an overlooked new species from the “campo rupestre” of Bahia, northeastern Brazil, with notes on Mitracarpus lhotzkyanus
Remarque : Articles téléchargeables :


Candollea – journal international de botanique systématique 77(2)

n°77(2) de 2022
éditée par
Conservatoire et Jardin Botaniques de la ville de Genève
Bibliothèque (périodiques) – Pierre BOILLAT
Case postale 60

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Calvo, J. & A. Granda – On the taxonomic identity of five Senecio species (Compositae) described by Candolle on material collected by Haenke during the Malaspina Expedition
145–158 [a2]
Chautems, A., D.B.O.S. Cardoso & M. Perret – Two new species of Sinningia (Gesneriaceae) endemic to Bahia, Brazil
137–144 [a1]
Klein, D.-P., R. Shtein, T. Janssen & M.W. Callmander – Novelties from the Northern Mountains Complex of Madagascar VI: Kalanchoe apiifolia (Crassulaceae), a particular new species
193–198 [a6]
Stone, R.D. – Revised treatment of Memecylon section Buxifolia (Melastomataceae) in Madagascar
173–191 [a5]
Vorontsova, M.S. – Revision of some Malagasy forage grasses and their relatives within Brachiaria, Echinochloa, Moorochloa, and Urochloa
199–236 [a7]
Notes on the flora of Madagascar, 61–62
Hanes, M.M., B. Mashburn & M.W. Callmander – Transfer of the endemic Malagasy species of Kosteletzkya to Hibiscus and Perrierophytum (Malvaceae)
161–171 [a4]
Turner, I.M. – An overlooked name provides the basionym for a new combination in Malagasy Tarenna (Rubiaceae)
237–240 [a8]
Notulae ad Floram paraquaiensem, 130
Mereles, F. – Eleocharis densicaespitosa (Cyperaceae), new record for the Paraguayan flora – Eleocharis densicaespitosa (Cyperaceae), nuevo registro para la flora del Paraguay
159–160 [a3]
Index of taxonomic and nomenclatural novelties
241–242 [a9]
Remarque :


Willdenowia 52-3

n°52-3 de 2022
éditée par
Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem
Freie Universität Berlin
Königin-Luise-Straße 6-8
14195 BERLIN
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Taxonomic review of Scrophularia sect. Tomiophyllum in Bulgaria and Serbia: the case of Scrophularia bulgarica
Stoyan Stoyanov,  Yulian Marinov,  Nadejda Apostolova-Stoyanova,  Vladimir Ranđelović,  Snežana Vukojičić
Willdenowia 52 (3), 303-312, (28 November 2022) 
KEYWORDS: Balkan flora, new record, nomenclature, relict species, Scrophularia, Scrophularia bulgarica, Scrophularia sect. Tomiophyllum, taxonomic redefinition

The genus Isoetes (Isoetaceae) in Central Africa (Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, Burundi) with the description of three new species
Eberhard Fischer,  Wolfram Lobin
Willdenowia 52 (3), 315-334, (1 December 2022) 
KEYWORDS: central Africa, Endemism, Isoetaceae, Isoetes hallei, Isoetes rwandensis, Isoetes pichisermollii, megaspores, new species, taxonomy

Taxonomic, nomenclatural and floristic review of Amaranthaceae of Greece and neighbouring countries
Thomas Raus
Willdenowia 52 (3), 335-357, (6 December 2022) 
KEYWORDS: Achyranthes, Amaranthaceae, Amaranthus, Balkan Peninsula, Greece, Lectotypification, new combination, nomenclature, Polycnemum, taxonomy

A new endemic species of Mammillaria (Cactaceae) from San Luis Potosí, Mexico
Pedro González-Zamora,  David Aquino,  Jonathan Mohl,  Daniel Sánchez
Willdenowia 52 (3), 359-372, (12 December 2022) 
KEYWORDS: Cactaceae, Cacteae, Mammillaria, Mammillaria ser. Stylothelae, Mexico, morphology, multivariate statistics, new species, species delimitation

Taxonomic novelties in the Asteraceae–Inuleae with the description of a new genus, Galgera separate from Laggera
Arne A. Anderberg,  Annika Bengtson
Willdenowia 52 (3), 373-386, (27 December 2022) 
KEYWORDS: Asteraceae, Blumea, Compositae, Cyathocline, Inuleae, Laggera, ndhF, new genus, Pentanema, phylogenetic analysis, taxonomy, Vicoa

A revision of the “basal-axile placentation clade” of Miconieae, the newly erected Miconia sect. Liogieria(Melastomataceae: Miconieae) from the Greater Antilles
Eldis R. Bécquer,  Thuane Bochorny,  Maria Gavrutenko,  Fabián A. Michelangeli
Willdenowia 52 (3), 387-432, (31 December 2022) 
KEYWORDS: basal-axial placentation clade, Calycogonium, Caribbean, Charianthus, Cuba, deciduous melastomes, Graffenrieda, Greater Antilles, Melastomataceae, Miconia, Miconieae, Ossaea, Pachyanthus, taxonomy

Remarque : téléchargement des articles :


Bulletin de la Société Linnéenne de Provence 73

n°73 de 2022
éditée par
Société Linnéenne de Provence
Université de Provence, Case 84 – Place Victor Hugo
13331 MARSEILLE Cedex 03
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• Ateliers scientifiques — Année 2021
• Corticifraga ramalinae P. Pinault, Ertz et Cl. Roux spa. nov., champignon lichénicole non lichénisé (Ascomycota, Gomphillaceae)
par Claude Roux, Patrick Pinault et Damien Ertz
• Muellerella solenopsorae Brien, Cl. Roux et Monnat sp. nov., champignon lichénicole (Ascomycota) sur Solenopsora holophaea
par Claude Roux, Yves Brien, Jean–Yves Monnat et Alain Gardiennet
• Zwackhiomyces fuscatus Poumarat, Daval et Cl. Roux sp. nov., champignon lichénicole (Ascomycota, Xanthopyreniaceae) parasite d’Acarospora fuscata
par Serge Poumarat, Claude Roux et Gérard Daval
• Validation de Cladonia deschatresii Boissière sp. nov.
par Jean–ClaudeBoissière
• Scytinium imbricatum (P. M. Jørg.) Otálora, P. M. Jørg. et Wedin, un cyanolichen (Collemataceae, Ascomycota) rare en France : répartition actuelle et données moléculaires nouvelles
par Michel Bertrand, Cécile Gueidan, Patrick Pinault et Claude Roux………
• Verrucariopsis suaedae Gueidan, Monnat et Cl. Roux gen. nov. genre nouveau de lichens (Ascomycota, Verrucariaceae)
par Cécile Gueidan, Jean–Yves Monnat et Claude Roux
• Quelques espèces nouvelles saxicoles–calcifuges de Lecanora du groupe polytropa (Ascomycota, Lecanoraceae) découvertes en France
par Claude Roux, Michel Bertrand, Serge Poumarat et Philippe Uriac
• Les collines de la Pécoule et de la Cabre (Sénas, Bouches–du–Rhône, France), des sites naturels d’intérêt floristique majeur et à préserver
par Danièle Hamard, Michel Hamard, Mathias Pires, Henri Michaud et Daniel Pavon.
• Faune entomologique du site de la Feuillane, Fos–sur–Mer (Bouches–du–Rhône, France)
par Jérémie Solère, Jean–Yves Meunier, Jean–Pierre Hébrard, Laurent Grima, Lucie Schurr, Jocelyn Claude, Thomas Lebard, Sophie Gachet et Gabriel Nève
