Candollea – journal international de botanique systématique 77(1)

n°77(1) de 2022
éditée par
Conservatoire et Jardin Botaniques de la ville de Genève
Bibliothèque (périodiques) – Pierre BOILLAT
Case postale 60

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Calvo, J., G. Benítez, A. Granda & H. Beltrán – On the identity and typification of Raimondi’s names Culcitium discolor and Cryptochaete andicola (Compositae)
1–8 [a1]

Gautier, L., C.G. Boluda, R. Randrianaivo & Y. Naciri – Two further new species in the highly-diverse Malagasy endemic genus Capurodendron (Sapotaceae)
119–126 [a9]

Jongkind, C.C.H. & O. Lachenaud – Novelties in African Apocynaceae
17–51 [a3]

Plunkett, G.M., T.A. Ranker, C. Sam & M.J. Balick – Towards a checklist of the Vascular Flora of Vanuatu
105–118 [a8]

Ranjbar, M. & N. Rahchamani – Taxonomic revision of the broad-margined calyx species of Scrophularia (Scrophulariaceae) in Iran, with one new species
57–70 [a5]

Snow, N., J.W. Dawson†, J. Munzinger & M.W. Callmander – Additional taxonomic and nomenclatural notes on New Caledonian Eugenia (Myrtaceae)
71–79 [a6]

Stone, R.D. – Ten new species of Memecylon (Melastomataceae) from Madagascar
81–103 [a7]

Uotila, P. – New combinations and notes on Oxybasis (Amaranthaceae) from southern South America
9–16 [a2]

Notes on the flora of Madagascar, 60
Applequist, W.L. – Recognition of a second species in the Homalium involucratum complex (Salicaceae)
53–56 [a4]

Book review
127–128 [a10]

Index of taxonomic and nomenclatural novelties
129–130 [a11]
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Candollea – journal international de botanique systématique 76-2

n°76-2 de 2021
éditée par
Conservatoire et Jardin Botaniques de la ville de Genève
Bibliothèque (périodiques) – Pierre BOILLAT
Case postale 60

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Calvo, J. – On the original material of two austral American Senecio species (Compositae) collected during British naval expeditions in 1828, now located in the herbarium of Geneva
261–267 [a7]

Chatelain, C., M. Chambouleyron, M. Charrier, J.-F. Léger & M. Perret – Révision du genre Ammodaucus (Apiaceae) en Afrique du Nord
191–200 [a2]

Friis, I. & M.W. Callmander – Isert and Thonning’s plants and Schumacher’s Beskrivelse af Guineiske Planter (1827) – A Danish legacy to the study of the West African flora
171–190 [a1]

Gâteblé, G., D. Bruy, G. Lannuzel & J. Munzinger – Le genre Ilex (Aquifoliaceae) en Nouvelle-Calédonie
269–274 [a8]

Inceer, H. – Lectotypification of two Boissier’s names in Chamaemelum (Anthemideae, Asteraceae)
259–260 [a6]

Schatz, G.E., P.P. Lowry II, H.N. Rakouth & R. Randrianaivo – Taxonomic studies of Diospyros (Ebenaceae) from the Malagasy region. VI. New species of large trees from Madagascar
201–236 [a3]

Wilding, N., P.B. Phillipson, S. Crameri, S. Andriambololonera, R.L. Andriamiarisoa, S.A.F. Andrianarivelo, R. Bernard, N. Rakotonirina, C. Rakotovao, R.I. Randrianaivo, R. Razakamalala & P.P. Lowry II – Taxonomic studies on Malagasy Dalbergia (Fabaceae). I. Two new species from northern Madagascar, and an emended description for D. manongarivensis
237–249 [a4]

Contributions à la flore de Corse, 46
Jeanmonod, D. & Y. Naciri – Révision taxonomique de Ranunculus sect. Batrachium en Corse: une analyse morphologique et statistique
275–292 [a9]

Notes on the flora of Madagascar, 58–59
Gautier, L. & M.W. Callmander – A synoptic revision of the genus Deidamia (Passifloraceae)
293–297 [a10]

Wilding, N., P.B. Phillipson & S. Crameri – Taxonomic studies on Malagasy Dalbergia (Fabaceae). II. A new name for D. mollis and the reinstatement of D. chermezonii
251–257 [a5]

Book review
299 [a11]

Index of taxonomic and nomenclatural novelties
301–302 [a12]
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