n°145-3 de 2012
éditée par
la Société Royale de Belgique
Nationale Plantentuin van België
Verkoop Publicaties
Domein van Bouchout, Nieuwelaan 38
1860 MEISE
Contact : sales@br.fgov.be
Site : http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/botbel/plecevo/SOMMAIRE :
The genus Acacia (Fabaceae) in East Africa: distribution, diversity and the protected area network
pp. 289-301(13)
Authors: Marshall, Andrew R.; Platts, Philip J.; Gereau, Roy E.; Kindeketa, William; Kang’ethe, Simon; Marchant, RobClimate-induced range contraction in the Malagasy endemic plant genera Mediusella and Xerochlamys (Sarcolaenaceae)
pp. 302-312(11)
Authors: Hong-Wa, Cynthia; Arroyo, Teresa Patricia FeriaVegetation change in response to grazing exclusion in montane grasslands, Argentina
pp. 313-322(10)
Authors: Loydi, Alejandro; Zalba, Sergio M.; Distel, Roberto A.Ecological determinants of species composition in the forest vegetation of Tuscany, Italy
pp. 323-331(9)
Authors: Arévalo, José Ramón; Cortés-Selva, Fernando; Chiarucci, AlessandroStepping-stone populations in linear landscape elements increase pollen dispersal between urban forest fragments
pp. 332-340(9)
Authors: Van Rossum, Fabienne; Triest, LudwigNatural hybridization and potential seed set of sympatric Populus nigra and Populus × canadensis along the river IJzer in Flanders (Belgium)
pp. 341-349(9)
Authors: Vanden-Broeck, An; Cox, Karen; Villar, MarcSpecies-specific outcomes of avian gut passage on germination of Melastomataceae seeds
pp. 350-355(6)
Authors: Silveira, Fernando Augusto Oliveira; Mafia, Pedro Oliveira; Lemos-Filho, José Pires; Fernandes, Geraldo WilsonPollination ecology and its implication for conservation of an endangered perennial herb native to the East-Himalaya, Megacodon stylophorus (Gentianaceae)
pp. 356-362(7)
Authors: Meng, Li-Hua; Wang, Yun; Luo, Jian; Liu, Chun-Yan; Yang, Yong-Ping; Duan, Yuan-WenMorphological investigation of genetic diversity of pistachio (Pistacia vera) germplasm in arid land of Tunisia
pp. 363-372(10)
Authors: Ghrab, Mohamed; Zribi, Fadhel; Mimoun, Mehdi Ben; Rhouma, AliSynopsis of the genus Chlorophytum (Asparagaceae) in Central Africa (Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, Burundi)
pp. 373-409(37)
Authors: Meerts, Pierre; Bjorå, Charlotte SlettenEcological survey of the Lycophytes and Ferns of the Vohimana Reserve, Madagascar
pp. 410-418(9)
Authors: Reeb, Catherine; Ranarijaona, Hery Lisy; Dubuisson, Jean-YvesA new endangered species of Jollydora (Connaraceae) represents the first record of the genus from Upper Guinea (tropical Africa)
pp. 419-422(4)
Author: Jongkind, Carel C.H.A new rheophytic Psychotria (Rubiaceae) from southern Cameroon
pp. 423-427(5)
Authors: Lachenaud, Olivier; Séné, OlivierRemarque : Téléchareable ici :http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/botbel/plecevo/
Auteur : Benoit BOCK
Plant Ecology and Evolution (suite de Belgian Jornal of Botany)
n°145-2 de 2012
éditée par
la Société Royale de Belgique
Nationale Plantentuin van België
Verkoop Publicaties
Domein van Bouchout, Nieuwelaan 38
1860 MEISE
Contact : sales@br.fgov.be
Site : http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/botbel/plecevo/SOMMAIRE :
Endemism, species richness and morphological trends in Madagascan Memecylon (Melastomataceae)
pp. 145-151(7)
Author: Stone, Robert DouglasAnalyse phytogéographique des forêts d’Afrique Centrale: le cas du massif de Ngovayang (Cameroun)
pp. 152-164(13)
Authors: Gonmadje, Christelle Flore; Doumenge, Charles; Sunderland, Terry C.H.; Balinga, Michael P.B.; Sonké, BonaventureFlowering patterns in sub-Mediterranean grasslands: a functional approach
pp. 165-175(11)
Authors: Catorci, Andrea; Carotenuto, Luciana; Gatti, RenataFloral morphology and mating system of Alcea rosea (Malvaceae)
pp. 176-184(9)
Authors: Li, Qun; Ruan, Cheng-Jiang; Teixeira da Silva, Jaime A.; Wang, Xue-YingGrowth discrepancy between filament and style facilitates autonomous self-fertilization in Hedychium yunnanense (Zingiberaceae)
pp. 185-189(5)
Authors: Ma, Yongpeng; Wu, Zhikun; Tian, Xiaoling; Zhang, Changqin; Sun, WeibangBenthic diatoms (Bacillariophyta) from seepages and streams on James Ross Island (NW Weddell Sea, Antarctica)
pp. 190-208(19)
Authors: Kopalová, Kateřina; Veselá, Jana; Elster, Josef; Nedbalová, Linda; Komárek, Jiří; Van de Vijver, BartA taxonomic revision of the reinstated genus Leplaea and the newly recognized genus Neoguarea (Meliaceae, Sapindales): the exclusion of Guarea from Africa
pp. 209-241(33)
Authors: Koenen, Erik J.M.; de Wilde, Jan J.F.E.Phytogeographical analysis and checklist of the vascular plants of Loango National Park, Gabon
pp. 242-257(16)
Authors: Harris, David J.; Armstrong, Kate E.; Walters, Gretchen M.; Wilks, Chris; Mouandza Mbembo, Jean-Claude; Niangadouma, Raoul; Wieringa, Jan J.; Breteler, Frans J.A commented checklist of woody plants in the Northern Republic of Congo
pp. 258-271(14)
Authors: Gillet, Jean-François; Doucet, Jean-LouisStudies in Perenniporia (Basidiomycota). African taxa VI. A new species and a new record of Perenniporia from the Ethiopian Afromontane forests
pp. 272-278(7)
Authors: Decock, Cony; Bitew, AdaneSchaueriopsis: a new genus of Acanthaceae (Acanthoideae: Barlerieae) from the Democratic Republic of Congo
pp. 279-284(6)
Authors: Champluvier, Dominique; Darbyshire, Iain
Vie et Milieu – Périodique d’Écologie
n°61-4 de 2011
éditée par
le Laboratoire Arago
* B.P. 44
Contact : vimilieu@obs-banyuls.fr
Site : http://www.obs-banyuls.fr/Viemilieu/SOMMAIRE :
Why is Octopus cyanea Gray in Hawaii specializing in crabs as prey?
J. A. MATHER – 181-184 – Abstract – PDFBehavioral sleep in Octopus vulgaris
D. V. MEISEL, R. A. BYRNE, J. A. MATHER, M. KUBA – 185-190 – Abstract – PDFMorphological characterization of the Octopus vulgaris arm
S. FOSSATI, F. BENFENATI, L. ZULLO – 191-195 – Abstract – PDFTransmission of sensory responses in the peripheral nervous system of the arm of Octopus vulgaris
L. ZULLO, S.M. FOSSATI, F. BENFENATI – 197-201 – Abstract – PDFBehavioral research methods for octopuses and cuttlefishes
J. G. BOAL – 203-210 – Abstract – PDFFrom the octopus to soft robot control: an octopus inspired behaviour control architecture for soft robots
T. LI, K. NAKAJIMA, M. KUBA, T. GUTNICK, B. HOCHNER, R. PFEIFER – 211-217 – Abstract – PDFFunctional morphology of the neuromuscular system of the Octopus vulgaris arm
N. FEINSTEIN, N. NESHER, B. HOCHNER – 219-229 – Abstract – PDFA synthetic approach to the study of learning and memory in chambered Nautilus,L. (Cephalopoda, Nautiloidea)
J. BASIL, G. BARORD, R. CROOK, R. DERMAN, C. HUI JU, L. TRAVIS, T. VARGAS – 231-242 – Abstract – PDFEmbryonic visual experience influences post-hatching shelter preference in cuttlefish
M. GUIBÉ, L. DICKEL – 243-246 – Abstract – PDF
Bulletin de la Société d’Études Scientifiques de l’Aude
n°111 de 2011
éditée par
la Société d’Études Scientifiques de l’Aude
*89, rue de Verdun, B.P.106
11022 Carcassonne
Contact : sesa2@wanadoo.fr
Site : http://www.sesa-aude.com/Remarque : Un article sur le déroulement du cycle floral annuel dans l’Aude
Ecologia mediterranea, Revue internationale d’écologie méditerranéenne
n°37-2 de 2011
éditée par
Europôle méditerranéen de l’Arbois, Bâtiment Villemin, B.P. 80
13545 Aix-en-Provence
Contact : thierry.dutoit@univ-avignon.fr
Site : http://www.imep-cnrs.com/ecologia/SOMMAIRE :
Éditorial – Editorial
Restauration écologique des écosystèmes méditerranéens :
spécificités, espoirs et limites
T. DUTOIT (éditeur en chef) .… 3
Articles originaux – Original articles
Bilan des opérations de conservation in situ réalisées
entre 1987 et 2004 en Corse : quelles leçons pour demain ?
La surveillance à long terme des écosystèmes arides méditerranéens :
quels enseignements pour la restauration ?
Cas d’une steppe d’Alfa (Stipa tenacissima L.) en Algérie
Variations de la diversité floristique en fonction du mode de gestion
des parcours arides de la Tunisie méridionale
Les bryophytes et les bryocénoses du site d’Entraygues (Var, France)
comme outil d’évaluation d’un projet de renaturation hydrologique
V. HUGONNOT .…. 45
Insights on metal-tolerance and symbionts
of the rare species Astragalus tragacantha
aiming at phytostabilizationRemarque : entièrement téléchargeable en pdf ici : http://ecologia-mediterranea.univ-avignon.fr/fr/mini-site/miniecologia/numeros-precedents.html